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History of the Wilkinson County Libraries

Woodville Public Library

In the 1920's, a private lending library was established by Mrs. Helen Latane Lewis in her home. Eventually the small library was moved to a one-room office space on Commercial Row and was staffed totally by volunteers. It was sponsored at one time by the Woodville Garden Club. During the 1930's, the Works Progress Administration established a small public library downtown in a tiny law office building.


The first library board was established in the 1950's, and the library was moved to another location sharing space in the Branch Banking House with a barber shop on Royal Oak Street. After the close of the barber shop, the library expanded and offered a children's library center. In 1978, the library moved into its new and present building and became a part of the Homochitto Valley Library Service, which later became the Natchez Adams Wilkinson Library Service. A complete renovation project in 2006, thanks to Capital Improvement Bond Grant funds administered by the Mississippi Library Commission, resulted in a safe, warm, inviting atmosphere.


On October 1, 2012, the Woodville Library became a branch of the Wilkinson County Library System, after separating from the Natchez library system.



Centreville Public Library

The dedication of the Centreville Public Library was held on Sunday, August 9, 1959, as a result of plans made by the citizens of the Town of Centreville and the Mississippi Library Commission via the Library Services Act. In 1970, a new building was built by Mr. and Mrs. Kent Van Cleave as a memorial to their son, Kevin Poole Van Cleave, and deeded to the Town of Centreville. The name of the library was changed to the Kevin Poole Van Cleave Memorial Library.


The library was a part of the Wilkinson County Library System until the creation of the Homochitto Valley Library Service, later changed to the Natchez Adams Wilkinson Library Service. In 1981, the library was enlarged to include a meeting room, through Capital Improvement Bond Grant funds administered by the Mississippi Library Commission. The library was renovated in 2005 with funds provided from a grant through the Mississippi Development Authority.


On October 1, 2012, the Van Cleave Library became a branch of the Wilkinson County Library System, after separating from the Natchez library system.



Wilkinson County Public Library System

The Wilkinson County Library System was established on October 1, 2012 by the Wilkinson County Board of Supervisors, according to the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Revised, and exercising the powers and assuming the duties granted to it under said statute. The Library System is comprised of a headquarters library, which is the Woodville Public Library located in Woodville, Mississippi and one branch library, the Van Cleave Memorial Library located in Centreville, Mississippi.



Woodville Public Library
489 Main Street
Woodville, MS  39669

Phone:  601-888-6712
Fax: 601-888-6885

Open Monday - Friday
10:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.

Van Cleave Memorial Library
141 W. Park St. North
Centreville, MS  39660

Phone: 601-645-5771
Fax: 601-219-1019

Open Monday - Friday
10:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.


Website updated June 13, 2023

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